Fluffernutter Cookies, 3 Ingredients!

fluffernutter cookies 3 ingredients with creamy peanut butter large egg marshmallow cream

The ingredient of Fluffernutter Cookies 3 Ingredients

  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 cup marshmallow cream

Nutritions of Fluffernutter Cookies 3 Ingredients

calories: nutritioninformation
carbohydrateContent: 580 calories
cholesterolContent: 58 grams
fatContent: 55 milligrams
fiberContent: 34 grams
proteinContent: 4 grams
saturatedFatContent: 18 grams
sodiumContent: 7 grams
sugarContent: 360 milligrams
: 33 grams


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